with Theresa Vee

Friday, March 12th
Friday, March 19th
Wednesday, March 24th

10am PT / 1pm ET

In this series, we’ll be exploring ways to cultivate and grow our ability to live with ease in the flow of the miraculous, which is our birthright. We are required to have as much energy as possible available to us each day because operating from deficit is no longer an option.

We’ll be working with:

Part 1: Cultivating Life Force
March 12th, 2021

Prana. Vital Energy.
How do we increase our vital energy when the world around us affects us so deeply?
We’ll be working with brand-new and time-honored techniques to place us back in control of how much energy escapes us each day—sometimes without our knowing or consent. We’ll take radical responsibility for our own vibrancy and work on actively cultivating our life force so that we can overflow it out to the world and be of increased service and Light.

Part 2: Clearing the Channel
March 19th, 2021

Increasing our life force naturally unblocks energies that have been stuck or hidden keeping it at bay. The next natural step is the release of anything not appropriate to the vibration we find ourselves in now. But how can release be easy when it has been so difficult for so long?

Where have we been getting our signals scrambled when it comes to communication with our Divine Team?

We’ll be diving deep in order to connect to our Guidance and Intuition with a sense of Trust like never before.

We’ll look at what needs to shift in order to create more ease, grace, and space in our lives and our communication and begin to clear those things in ways that truly make us want to keep going!

Part 3: Living ALIVE!
March 24th, 2021

How can we live in the flow of joy so that showing up feels less like work and more like a blessing?

It’s time for us to feel really good, more of the time. In fact, it’s required of us in order to live more On-Purpose! Our Angels are ready to step in to our lives help us to feel more ALIVE as we continue to serve humanity and co-create with bliss.

We didn’t incarnate to miss the beauty of our own lives. It’s time to radically increase the vibration of the world through our own en-JOY-ment.

* These sessions will be recorded, in case you cannot attend LIVE.
Register for Opening to Miracles!

Friday, March 12th;
Friday, March 19th;
Wednesday, March 24th

@ 10am PT / 1pm ET

* These are live group video workshops.
If you are unable to attend live, the recordings will be available.

Theresa Vee is an international speaker, Angelic channel, transformation teacher, healing arts practitioner, and mentor for sensitive spiritual world-changers with a big Mission. She is a Visionary, Love Warrior, and a fierce stand for Peace who has been facilitating deeply healing work for over 18 years.

Theresa works with the people who feel that they should have attended Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters before being sent out into the world to help them turn their sensitivities into superpowers that they can use at will. She empowers people to stand in the Power of Who They Really Are so that they live their Purpose, find Joy, and feel fully ALIVE.

Her superpower is teaching incredibly complex spiritual principles in ways that are instantly applicable to your everyday life—no matter who you are or where you're from—as she guides you to the answers already  inside of you so you can begin creating the life you desire right away.

For More information, visit TheresaVee.com.

©2021 Healthy Vibrant You™ All rights reserved.